Part I: Dee Grant Application

PLEASE NOTE: Dee Grant Applications are for the upcoming academic year. Projects must occur between July 1 – June 30 of that year.

Applications are due on the third Friday of January each year.

Primary Applicant

Co-Applicant 1

Co-Applicant 2

Co-Applicant 3

Part I

Applicants are to completely address the following items in Part I of the application. Department Chairs/Directors are to complete Part II.

1. Proposal

Synopsis of your project in 75 words or less. (This synopsis may be used for posting to the Dee Council web pages.)
Project description (maximum 500 words). Please include an approximate number of students who would be impacted.
Please note that your project MUST occur between July 1 – June 30 of the upcoming academic year to be eligible for funding. (maximum 500 words)

2. Justification of the proposal

Explanation of the specific ways the project advances the aims of the Dee Grant program and how it enhances your teaching (refer to the page entitled About the Dee Grant Awards under the heading “Aims of Proposals that are Fundable”). Please explain the direct benefit to students or the student experience and include a description of the immediate impact and potential long-term benefit to teaching and learning. Please also include a brief rationale for why the Dee Grant is the most appropriate source of funding for your project.
If your proposal is to bring to campus a guest artist/lecturer, please include a statement of the guest’s qualifications, including a brief CV and explanation of any associated fees.

3. List of Agencies

List of other agencies you have applied to or intend to apply to for funding in connection with the project. Applicants may apply for additional funding, such as a University Teaching Grant, to help cover items that are outside the scope of a Dee Grant. However, applicants may not receive multiple awards from different sources for overlapping portions of the same project.

4. Budget

Detailed budget for the project, including justifications of the expenses. (Please see example budget forms that are included with the Dee Grant instructions and download the Dee Budget Template to create your own.)

Please upload below (be sure that you title your budget document appropriately; i.e. use your last name and first name "doe-jane-budget.doc" or "doe-jane-budget.xls" and no spaces or other characters).
Drag and drop files here or Browse
pdf, xls, xlsx, doc, or docx

5. CV of Primary Applicant

Please include a brief CV of approximately 3 pages -- particularly highlighting teaching.
Drag and drop files here or Browse
pdf, doc, or docx

6. Previous Dee Grants

List Previous Dee Grants received (year, amount, and brief description).